6 Reasons Why You Should Get a Roof Inspection | 2021 Drone Guide

Reasons to get a drone roof inspection | 2021 drone guide

Drones have revolutionised the roof inspection industry by giving customers a more complete picture of the state of their roof or structure. By utilising the latest UAV technology, inspection companies can now inspect areas normally dangerous or impossible to reach by person, giving clients a more thorough report of their roof and any areas in particular which need attention.

Below are 6 reasons why you should get a roof inspection in 2021:


  1. Save Yourself Large Repair Costs

Roofs are notoriously difficult and dangerous to access so tend to not be inspected or repaired as frequently as they should. Certain areas will deteriorate quicker than others and need more frequent attention. These repairs, if done early will cost far less than if they are allowed deteriorate for longer periods. A leak in your roof for example can cause damp and ultimately lead to expensive structural repair if not fixed early on. An aerial inspection utilising drone technology will be more thorough compared to conventional methods, capturing all those potential areas of concern normally awkward to reach ultimately saving you large repair costs in the long run.

2. Far Safer Than Inspecting Yourself

Roof inspections can be incredibly dangerous. Even with meticulous planning and precautions in place, putting yourself or workers at risk in an era where aerial drone inspections are far safer doesn’t make any sense. Conventional methods using ladders and tools also put workers in danger from electrocution or falling objects. Metal ladders coming into contact with exposed power lines can put you at further unnecessary risk. The precise hovering capabilities of a drone mitigates all these risks by giving people the ability to see their roof in great detail from the drones camera whilst being safely on the ground.

3. Discover The Unexpected

The fantastic thing about roof inspections is that they will capture even the smallest issues before they start causing issues to the building. They can capture all kinds of problems such as blocked gutters, broken slate or poorly applied flashing for example. Not major issues in themselves, however, left unattended and they could lead to more major issues. Conventional methods would require areas to be walked on not designed or safe for people. Being able to capture a complete birds-eye aerial view of the roof is incredibly valuable as you then can see where to focus your attention.

4. Peace Of Mind

Knowing that your roof is in good condition going into the harsh winter months ahead can be a real weight off your chest. With a thorough roof inspection carried out, you will have the peace of mind that nothing on your roof will deteriorate and create further headaches for you in the near future. With ice and snow accumulating during the winter months, drone inspections are far safer than inspections completed in person, although they are more difficult to carry out compared to the summer months, so make sure to get one booked before the weather deteriorates.

5. Thorough Drainage & Leak Assessment

Drainage problems and leaks from your roof can be a major contributor to property damage. If a leak is found it could be due to a major problem or a minor local issue such as expansion joints, flashing deterioration or elevation changes. The real problem occurs when there is a leak from your roof that goes undetected from inside. This can cause mold, corrosion or rotting wood. Only an exterior roof inspection will be able to spot these issues.
Good drainage is vital to the health of your roof. Poor drainage can create standing water on your roof which can lead to leaks and moisture issues. Standing water will also accelerate the deterioration of your roof materials leading to expensive repairs sooner than normally required. Drainage issues can be easily spotted by thoroughly inspecting gutters, downpipes, drains and vegetation growth. Drone technology is perfectly positioned to be able to capture all these awkward areas of your roof, normally dangerous to access by person.

6. Required Improvements

Required building improvements can be easily spotted when regular inspections are carried out, specifically to your roof. Creating a regular inspection schedule is incredibly important for property owners. In an ever increasing digital world, more electrical appliances are being added to the exterior of buildings, generating potential entry points for moisture damage. Like your boiler, having a preventive, proactive view on protecting your roof from deterioration will save you vast repair costs in the future. Almost no other building inspection programme provides a better return on investment than that of a structured roof inspection program.


“Launch Imagery recommends”
At Launch Imagery, we offer a range of roof inspection services including inspection reports, photos and even a narrated video package, diving deeper into what was found during the inspection.
We recommend our photo and roof report package. It gives you a complete picture of what state your roof is in and will highlight any specific areas which need attention.


Frequently Asked Questions:

- How much does a drone roof inspection cost?

Our drone roof inspection services start from £170.

- How often should I get a roof inspection completed?

You should ideally get your roof inspected once before the winter months and again afterwards to check for any damage or required repairs.

- What does Launch Imagery’s roof inspection report include?

Our roof inspection report includes the state of over 15 different parts of your roof. For example, we will check all gutters, chimneys, ridge tiles, slate tiles and any damage, specific areas associated with internal leaking, flashing, TV aerials, sky lights and more.

- What sort of roof inspection camera technology does Launch Imagery use? 

The camera on our drones are of 12MP RAW quality meaning we can capture high quality pictures which can be scrutinised in detail.

- Does Launch Imagery do roof inspections near me? 

We offer roof inspection services across the whole of the UK. Our main operating hubs are Oxford and London.

- Is your roof inspection service covered under insurance?

Yes - Launch Imagery holds public liability insurance of over £750,000 to give peace of mind to our clients and staff.

- Is Launch Imagery CAA Certified to complete drone roof inspections?

Yes - Launch Imagery holds the Civil Aviation Authority A2 Certificate of Competency giving us the capability to complete aerial roof inspections with drones safely and legally.

- Do you do roof inspections in the rain?

No - current drone technology is not rain resistant so it would not be safe to carry out roof inspections in the rain.


Didn’t answer your question? Drop us a line to see how we can help!


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